History of Maglio Events

A 145 year-old history

Home / About us The birth of our company dates back to the period of Italian Unification. In particular to 1875, when Antonio Maglio arrives in Maglie, in the province of Lecce.  Antonio is a smart, bright, stubborn young man when he understands that this is the ideal, strategic place to set up an "inn with change of horses".
Our brand starts with him and, since then, this elegant, nice town has been our headquarter: for 145 years five generations of Maglios have faced two new centuries, new decades, two World Wars, different fashions and needs, influent social changes.
In order to satisfy new demands and necessities, Antonio's son, Giuseppe, started a further business in the town centre, an elegant coffeehouse with an annex workshop where he prepared amazing cakes and pastries, traditional and innovative at the same time.
His son, Dante, became the proper heir of such an open-minded father and in the first years of the new century he set up a reception and catering business while he increased the variety of products in the workshop, as he introduced excellent homemade liquors. A further great innovation we owe to Dante is the idea to coat the little pastries with a layer of chocolate which, while sealing the flavour of each single item, would also help to preserve the products for a longer time.
Dante's son, Vincenzo, increased the production of chocolate products, while offering a greater expertise in catering and reception. Now his sons, Massimo and Maurizio, have taken over the immeasurable heritage but also the responsibility of launching the company, overcoming the boundaries of time, allowing past, present and future to coexist, and of space, delivering their products and offering their service all over Italy, all over the world.
History of Maglio Events
History of Maglio Events
History of Maglio Events
History of Maglio Events